Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 16 Fri 27/05 - Wild Camping in Cable Car Station of Col des Saisies

Today Disatnce : 42 km     Total: 859.6 km                                                       Today Temp : 8 - 15°c                                                                                       Today Spending : 0   Total: 175.22 euro                                                           Time on Bike :  5 hr  o min                                                                             Today Ave Speed: 8.3 kmh     Max: 46.5 kmh                                                    Today Ave Climb:5%      Max: 13%                                                                   Trip Altitude : 1294 m     Max:1650 m

Today has to be our toughest ride so far since started in paris on 15 May. Not onlythe sun shy away which has been with us so far, the rain came on and off delaying our start till 10.30am. We had to add extra layers of clothings to prevent the cold and the dizzling rain.There is the 1st mountain of Col des Aravis at 1498m to climb, then the 10km downhill which we didn't enjoy at all due to the cold and the wet road surface, more brakes to apply, dangerous corners to take, we did not make the stop at Giettaz but Ivan/Annie had pizza at Flumet while I had my cheese cakes. The 2nd mountain of Col des Saisies at 1650m starts right from Bellecombe for 13 km.As we slowly gain in altitude, the scenery of snowcapped mountains and alpine trees looks very beautiful.We finally arrived at the top of Col de saisies, all shops were closed as the summer holidays yet to start.We met a French couple cyclists on their way to Beaufort which is 17 km away but I was too tired,exhausted and cold, so decided to wildcamp near the cable car station which has a public toilet with water to cook.Phew what a cold and windy day.

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