Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 26 Mon 06/06 - Sunny Rest Day in Genova

Today Disatnce : 40 km     Total: 1188.7 km                                                           Today Temp : 19 - 24°c                                                                                             Today Spending : 30 euro   Total: 362.58 euro                                                       Time on Bike : 3 hr                                                                                                  Today Ave Speed: 13.3 kmh    Max:46.5 kmh                                                      Today Ave Climb: 3%     Max:13%                                                                           Trip Altitude :482 m    Max:209 m

Today surprisingly good weather,so we took the opportunity to stay for another day in the caravan here to visit this mediterean coastal city of Genova, facing opposite to the sea is the mountains,houses and shops were seen located high on the mountain slopes, so there are some rolling hills to ride, we rode into thecity centre after 11 km from our campsite and soon I lost both Ivan/Annie in the busy traffic.Not to worry as we knew the way back on our own. People here are more relax going around ,sitting or lying in the parks to past their times,unlike Asians especially in China or Indochina, people are always in a rush. There is not many attractions in the centre except the road along the sea esplanade were more busy having sunbath at the several small beaches. On the way back to the campsite, i bought some foods at the Basko supermarket.

Peolpe relaxing at the Tower gate

Stonage statue in the city

Flowers and grass decorated hill slope

Genova town centro

Genova town centro

Hero in one of the roundabout

City square

Coastal road

The scene at one of the beaches

Day 25 Sun 05/06 - Train to Genova on a Rainy Day

Today Disatnce : 20.7 km      Total: 1148.7 km                                                   Today Temp : 19 - 22°c                                                                                            Today Spending : 39 euro    Total: 332.58 euro                                                     Time on Bike : 1 hr  50 min                                                                                       Today Ave Speed: 11.3 kmh    Max: 33 kmh                                                           Today Ave Climb: 4%      Max:13 %                                                                               Trip Altitude : 279 m     Max: 254 m

The hope on a sunny morning dashed again as the annoying rain continued to spoil our riding days.Waited,waited and waited for hours but the rain dun seem to stop.Ivan suggested to take a train to Genova which is about 170 km from here,as told by the hostel receptionist, the train station is not far and the fare is cheap,so decision made and we rode out to the train station in a dizzling rain.Bought the ticket for 9.1 euro and 3.5 euro for the bike.The train left sharp at 1.20pm and arrived in Genova 3.40 pm.We met a couple from Belgian on their folding bikes,they told us there is a campingsite located at the eastern end of Genova about 3 km away, but the funny thing is they themselve couldn't find it yet. We did notice there is a camping signboard when we turning left along the sea, but who knows, the next camping signboard we saw was 11km apart, we almost gave up hope as we were not sure there is one anyway and started looking for hotels to stay as Annie was not feeling well, I help to enquire one but the price is 108 euro for 3 beds room, thats only rated 2 stars.Luckily the rain gets a little friendlier and the sky brighten up a little,so we continue the hunt for this hard-to-find camping.At last we saw the 2nd camping sign but still need to climb another 2km to the hill, frustrated but still happy for renting a caravan for 16 euro each.

Trenitalia to Genova

Bikes storage coach next to the driver

On the way up the 2 km hill slope to the campsite

Houses along the way up

Drying our clothings at the campsite

Other people tents

Our rented caravan 48 euro shared by 3

On the way up with a birdeye view at the bottom

Sun bathing at the small beach

Esplanade along the sea coastal road

Classic hotel for the tourists

Zoom shot for eye washing

Girls , are you lonesome?

Sailing boats parking

Day 24 Sat 04/06 - Continued Rain Spoil our Restday in Torino

Today Spend: 24.50 euro   Total: 293.58 euro
Today Temp : 18 - 25 °c

Wake up this morning,feeling very disappointed as the rain continue to haunt us.After having our complimentary breakfast of usual western style of bread,butter,jams,coffee/tea or fruit juices ( how nice if I can have some Malaysian breakfast of nasi lemak,roticanai,mee goreng with another glass of teh tarik, just a dream!!), I spent the whole morning in the only internet available in this hostel which charges only 1 euro an hour,cheap! After extending our stay for another night,Ivan/Annie also booked their ticket from Rome to Paris on 21 June thru Easyjet, 212 euro oneway including 2 bikes and a check-in luggage.Later they went to the town while i continue to update my blog. The much awaited sun did come out in the afternoon and hopefully tomorrow will be a sunny day to start the ride.My regret is, i did not really have the time to visit the Torino town,having spent too much time on the net.But that is the choice I made.


Day 23 Fri 03/06 - To Torino on a Flat

Today Disatnce : 48.3 km   Total: 1128.0 km                                                         Today Temp : 17 - 23°c                                                                                            Today Spending : 29 euro     Total: 269.38 euro                                                       Time on Bike : 2  hr  28 min                                                                                      Today Ave Speed: 19.6 kmh    Max: 36.5 kmh                                                         Today Ave Climb: 2%    Max: 10%                                                                            Trip Altitude : 91 m    Max: 342 m

Our ride were again delay by the annoying rain and only able to start at 11 am. We are not too concern of the delay as today's ride to Torino only about 35 km, and what a blessing! no mountain to climb.But barely 2 km of riding,the rain became a little heavier forced us to take shelter at a restaurant hotel called Paradise, while waiting for the rain stop, I were attracted by the yummy italian foods, I ordered a plate of pasta and few pcs of chicken cost me 9.5 euro,though a little costly but felt so good and satisfaction.Ride continued so nice on a flat and smooth road surface, we bought some foods at the Penny supermarket,selling quite cheap than France.Arrived in Torino and got ourself lost in the middle of the town centre,where both sides have tall buildings with narrow copperstone lanes.We asked around for the camping site but was not sucessful,but ended up in the International Hostel after a steep 200m climb.With the sky doesn't look happy ,we decided to stay in the dorm for 16 euro per person with breakfast included. The only disappointment is no kictchen to cook, but we do it outside the hostel compound.

Day 22 Thu 02/06 - Wet and Cold Ride into Italy,Susa

Today Disatnce : 58.4 km    Total: 1079.7 km                                                       Today Temp : 6 - 18°c                                                                                               Today Spending : 8.0 euro    Total: 240.38 euro                                                     Time on Bike : 4  hr  20 min                                                                                     Today Ave Speed: 13.5 kmh    Max: 44 kmh                                                          Today Ave Climb: 5%              Max: 15 %                                                                  Trip Altitude : 792 m     Max: 2083 m

After 22 days in France,today we rode into Italy on a wet and cold day.Started at 10 am in Lanslevillard,the cnow started to melt into water with dizzling rain,barely 5 min of ride,we are in Lanslebourg,10 minutes shelter in a bus stop as the rain became heavy.From D902 now we are turning into another mountain called Col du Mont Cenis at 2083m on route D1006, that means we must climb 800m in 10km distance.Ivan/Annie were fast and always ahead of me,the climb was not too difficult,but the cold and the continued rain makes us shilvering.It is indead hard to stop to take good pictures eventhough thr views were so beautiful,really hard to discribe,the snow,the mountain,the valleys,the trees,the mist all combines into a great scenery.When i arrived in Susa,I saw Ivan/Annie bikes parked along the corridor of a restaurant,they are having pizzas and coffee while I prefer to ride on to look for campsites, as I was not very hungry, but totally wet and cold.We managed to find a lousy campsite in a garage with just 3 minutes of hot shower despite of paying 1 euro for that. The cost of staying is 7 euro. What a different if compared to France.Anywhow,we are more than happy to have a place to change,shower and sleep.