Today Disatnce : 58.4 km Total: 1079.7 km Today Temp : 6 - 18°c Today Spending : 8.0 euro Total: 240.38 euro Time on Bike : 4 hr 20 min Today Ave Speed: 13.5 kmh Max: 44 kmh Today Ave Climb: 5% Max: 15 % Trip Altitude : 792 m Max: 2083 m
After 22 days in France,today we rode into Italy on a wet and cold day.Started at 10 am in Lanslevillard,the cnow started to melt into water with dizzling rain,barely 5 min of ride,we are in Lanslebourg,10 minutes shelter in a bus stop as the rain became heavy.From D902 now we are turning into another mountain called Col du Mont Cenis at 2083m on route D1006, that means we must climb 800m in 10km distance.Ivan/Annie were fast and always ahead of me,the climb was not too difficult,but the cold and the continued rain makes us shilvering.It is indead hard to stop to take good pictures eventhough thr views were so beautiful,really hard to discribe,the snow,the mountain,the valleys,the trees,the mist all combines into a great scenery.When i arrived in Susa,I saw Ivan/Annie bikes parked along the corridor of a restaurant,they are having pizzas and coffee while I prefer to ride on to look for campsites, as I was not very hungry, but totally wet and cold.We managed to find a lousy campsite in a garage with just 3 minutes of hot shower despite of paying 1 euro for that. The cost of staying is 7 euro. What a different if compared to France.Anywhow,we are more than happy to have a place to change,shower and sleep.