Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 01 Thu 12/05 - LCCT to Orly Airport to Warmshower Host

Today Disatnce : 33 km
Today Spend : 0

I arrived at the Lcct 11.30pm with support from Rita with her 4X4 Feroza. Ivan/Annie were already at the check-in counter. This time we packed our luggage into 2 boxes having learnt the lesson from the Vietnam trip. One box is for the sport equipment not more than 20kg for 75 ringgit and the other for 30kg for 150kg plus a handcarry of 7kg free . My check-in no problem but Ivan/Annie was surprise being told to get a return ticket cos they only bought one way ticket and not sure about when and where to return. Left with no choice, Ivan booked a return ticket at the airport on line. The Flight took off 20 min late and needed 13 hr 20 min direct to Orly Airport in Paris. The plane arrived at 9.10am morning local time [ France is 6hr late than Malaysia time]. Once out from the Airport, we assembled our bikes at one corner and were ready to roll at 11.30am. Now is to find our way to Les Lilas, my warmshower host Xavier house which is situated 22km from the airport. Armed with the roadbook provided earlier by Xavier which consisted a total of 49 directions of turn left,turn right, roundabout instructions and signages, but this hardly helps as we were having troubles even to get out from the airport compound, frustrated with not much helps from the locals, we abandoned the roadbook and choose a more direct route of N7 to Paris and risk being knocked by the speeding trucks and cars pilling on this main road. We managed to reach the ring road inside Paris and at one of the roundabout, one Japanese in his 70s approached us and shows us the correct direction to Les Lilas. After few more ask around, we finally at the doorstep of our host and meet Xavier who shows us his flat on top 4th floor but our bikes were keep in the basement. Xavier cooked us some salad and pasta and make us hot drinks, which makes the hungry 3 souls feel so warm and thankful. A keen recumbent rider himself, Xavier has done a long bike tour from Paris to South Korea last year. With Xavier experience and guidance ,we feel more relax and confident with our journey ahead.

                                  Thank You Rita for sending me to the Lcct airport
                       At the Orly airport after assembling my recumbent and ready to roll
                         My Warmshower host Xavier preparing the cheese cake for us
                       Me,Ivan and wife Annie having a relaxing time in Xavier apartment
                                         Feel very much at home,thanks to Xavier
                            Maggie Mee and Nescafe 3 in 1 all the way from Malaysia
.                                                     Annie busy in the Kitchen