Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 15 Thu 26/05 - Nasty Toothache Shorten the Ride in La Clusaz

Today Disatnce : 38.9 km      Total: 817.6 km                                                     Today Temp : 18 - 28°c                                                                                       Today Spending : 5.22 euro    Total: 175.22 euro                                                  Time on Bike : 3 hr  26 min                                                                             Today Ave Speed: 11.3 kmh     Max: 52.5 kmh                                                   Today Ave Climb: 3%      Max: 11%                                                                 Trip Altitude : 851 m    Max: 1141 m

What a bad day for me caused by a nasty toothache which came all of a sudden when I was pedalling up a steep climb. The pain came on and off and I had to signal Ivan/Annie to make a stop, after taken 2 tablets of activefast panadol, and rested at the bus stop for about 40 mins, I managed to continue but my body strenght is very low,I needed a longer rest to recover and hence we started to look for the nearest campsite, but was closed when we arrived at the gate, but the owner was kind enough to let us stay and charged 5 euro each once I told him my toothache problem. The sky started to look urgly as we quickly set up our tents under rain and cook our dinner at the reception corridor.My toothache has somehow subside and hopefully it stay that way till the end of my trip.


  1. Love the curry chicken you had...from malaysia?

  2. Rita, The bbq chicken wing bought in local supermacket about 10 pcs per packet cost 2.80 euro.Very nice i just steam it on top of the rice.Wish u were here to enjoy it.
