Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 17 Sat 28/05 - Free Camping in the Valley of Comet de Roselend

Today Disatnce : 58 km   Total: 917.6 km                                                          Today Temp : 7 - 20°c                                                                                        Today Spending :11.58 euro    Total: 186.80 euro                                                  Time on Bike : 6 hr  16 min                                                                                 Today Ave Speed: 9.2 kmh     Max: 60 kmh                                                          Today Ave Climb: 6%     Max: 14 %                                                                 Trip Altitude : 1667 m      Max: 1968 m

Yesterday wild camping met some naughty boys throwing stones at my tent while I was resting inside.I heard a loud noise "phow" and the next moment I found my tent 2nd layer sheet has a crack line of 3" long, I heard the boys ran away so i didn't bother to get out to take a look.That was a sad happening it has to be in such an advance country like France, it is a different story if it happens in a backward country.Today's ride almost the same like yesterday, we have a whole day of sunshine and a longer ride cos' of the monster climb to 1968m of Col de Roselend. On the way down to Beaufort, I had my 1st puncture to my front 20" tire, which was caused by the roughness of the rim tape.Thanks for Ivan/Annie for waited 40 min for me to fix it. The climb was very tough,exhausting and long with many sharp corners, Ivan has to push the bike at some steep stretches while Annie is the strongest of the 3. We pass by one beautiful lake of Lac de Roselend and the majestic Mtont Blanc. We took some nice pictures at the top and then the downhill was shilvering cold, when we saw this free campsite half way down, we were happy as we dun have to ride another 13 km to Bourg St Maurice.

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