Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 13 Tue 24/05 - Paid Camping in Annecy

Today Disatnce : 49.9 km     Total: 778.7 km                                                  Today Temp : 20 - 34°c                                                                                   Today Spending : 5.5 euro    Total: 148.87 euro                                                    Time on Bike : 3 hr  41 min                                                                               Today Ave Speed: 13.5 kmh   Max: 49 kmh                                                   Today Ave Climb: 3%    Max: 13%                                                                   Trip Altitude : 647 m     Max: 457 m

A very short ride started at 9.40am  to Annecy but by no means is easy as the terrain is mostly uphill thru the mountain Clergeon at 1025m. The 1st 12 km following the river valley up to Motz and then passing thru the mountain of vel du Fier of D14, we ride thru 2 very short tunnels and some beautiful views of gorges,when reaching the outskirt of Annecy,we mistakenly went into the highway where we were honk by the speeding cars,we quickly turn into the next exit and asked our ways out to the Annecy town centre.This is a very touristic big city with a very beautiful lake of Lac d' Annecy, it will hold the Olumpic game in 2018. We found a cheap campingsite about 2km away from the more expensive lake camp,located on a hill slope for 5.5 euro per pax, surprisingly cheap cos' we heard that it will be doublely more than what we had paid in others campsites.After setting our tents,we went for a short ride thru the town and took some very nice lakeside pictures.

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