Today Disatnce : 86.2km Total: 536.1km Today Temp : 18 - 32c Today Spending : 9.44 euro Total: 108.59 euro Time on Bike : 5 hr 11 min Today Ave Speed: 16.6 kmh Max: 54.5 kmh Today Ave Climb: 2% Max: 11% Trip Altitude : 881m Max: 415m
What a hot day ride with temp soaring to 32°c just like back home in Malaysia. Following D985 road which seems to be a bad choice as this road is quite busy and not many shade to avoid the direct sun.There are more and more climbs,not only some are steeps but long.The 1st town we pass is Palinges and we met a very friendly cyclist who not only show us the way but also rode with us, and another local Chris who speak good english gave us a better map for free. The next big town we heading is Charolles but could not find a supermarket, we continue the next town of La Clayette, 11km away,luckily this time there is a supermarket ATAC,after having bought what we needed, we rode out to look for camping, and this time Ivan found one just beside a railway track, a short and light rain started, as we hurrily set up our tents. The rain only lasted for 20 min and later the sun shines again. Happily we cooked our dinner with occasional trains passing by.
Italian cyclist ride with us |
Chris who gave us his used map |
ATAC supermarket |
Campsite with many small stones |
Campsite near the railway track |
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