Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 23 Fri 03/06 - To Torino on a Flat

Today Disatnce : 48.3 km   Total: 1128.0 km                                                         Today Temp : 17 - 23°c                                                                                            Today Spending : 29 euro     Total: 269.38 euro                                                       Time on Bike : 2  hr  28 min                                                                                      Today Ave Speed: 19.6 kmh    Max: 36.5 kmh                                                         Today Ave Climb: 2%    Max: 10%                                                                            Trip Altitude : 91 m    Max: 342 m

Our ride were again delay by the annoying rain and only able to start at 11 am. We are not too concern of the delay as today's ride to Torino only about 35 km, and what a blessing! no mountain to climb.But barely 2 km of riding,the rain became a little heavier forced us to take shelter at a restaurant hotel called Paradise, while waiting for the rain stop, I were attracted by the yummy italian foods, I ordered a plate of pasta and few pcs of chicken cost me 9.5 euro,though a little costly but felt so good and satisfaction.Ride continued so nice on a flat and smooth road surface, we bought some foods at the Penny supermarket,selling quite cheap than France.Arrived in Torino and got ourself lost in the middle of the town centre,where both sides have tall buildings with narrow copperstone lanes.We asked around for the camping site but was not sucessful,but ended up in the International Hostel after a steep 200m climb.With the sky doesn't look happy ,we decided to stay in the dorm for 16 euro per person with breakfast included. The only disappointment is no kictchen to cook, but we do it outside the hostel compound.

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