Today Disatnce : 104 km Total: 1409.8 km Today Temp : 19 - 23°c Today Spending : 17 euro Total: 467.78 euro Time on Bike : 5 hr 22 min Today Ave Speed: 19.4 kmh Max: 52.5 kmh Today Ave Climb:3% Max: 13% Trip Altitude : 459 m Max: 118 m
Unknowingly we scored a century in distance from Pisa to Florence, we just ride and ride,passing thru so many small towns in between, so many roundabouts, some roads signs were not clear or missing, some towns that did not even appear on our map,so we had to ask around for direction,thanfully the italians are very helpful and friendly indeed.We are onroute SS67, an important lookout mark that we depends on eventhough we did not know or locate the towns on the map.Nothing much in term of good scenery except you see lots of houses,shops,restaurants and cars on the road, which runs parallel to another highway.The terrain turns a little rolling as we approaching a big city in Florence, but thats a long ride to find the Camping Internazionale Firenze , located on a hill slope some 8 km away from the centro.Ivan wanted to try out his newly bought tent, so we opted for a tent site instead of caravan or bangalows. But that does not means cheap. It cost 9 euro per person and 3 euro per tent.
Campsite in Firenze |
Shellbox bungalows |
Swimming Pool too cold for a dip |
Washing and shower |
Entrance to the campsite |
Restaurant |
Reception |
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