Today Disatnce : 7.9 km Total: 1305.8km Today Temp : 20 - 24°c Today Spending : 37.2 euro Total: 450.78 euro
A sunny good day just perfect for a ride to the town and visit the world famous Leaning Tower.It was a very short ride of only 1 km and we are already there and saw the Tower,many tourists already there and the side walk is really hard to cycle,so we get down push walking with our bikes. Souvernies shops selling T-shirts,key chains,begs etc..trying to attract the tourists.I bought a key chain for 1 euro for my friend who has a hobby on collection. The Tower is located at a square which was built in year 1173 and continued without interruption for 5 yrs but work stop at the 4th gallary for reason still unknown today.In year 1272,work resumed and in 1278,it reached the 7th cornice and there was another long pause.It was only in year 1360 that work start for several years.Asignificant correction was made to the angle of inclination at the base.Due to material decay and corrosion,147 pillars out of 180 had to be replaced, and the restoration partly fianance by EU was completed in 2010.
Bought a key chain from this souvernier shop |
Wide grassy square where the Tower located |
Hallowen mask |
Wonder the Tower really collapse one day? |
Meng , Bent , and the Tower |
Tourists Q-up to go to the top of Tower.Cost 14 euro |
147 pillars were replaced out of 180 |
Best angle to show the Tower is leaning |
Tourists everywhere |
Restoration work |
The smile was so sweet |
Bicycle tandam for rent |
River Arno |
Demonstration with the Police controlling traffic |
Another corner in the square |
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