Today Distance : 85.7 km Total : 2220.5 km
Today Temp : 22 - 33°c Hot and Sunny
Today Spending : 9.1 euro Total : 694.7 euro
Time on Bike : 5 hr 57 min
Today Ave Speed : 14.3 kmh Max : 41 kmh
Trip Altitude : 738 m Max : 222 m
Today Ave Climb : 3 % Max : 13 %
Unexpected long ride until 7 pm today cos' finding a suitable camp site was near impossible in the popular coastal town of Positano and Amalfi, every little vacant lands being taken up by either hotels,restaurants or parking space on the this narrow winding SS163 road. The next big town of Salerno,looks more like a port and commercial hub, so very little chance to find any camping grounds.But on the bright side, I was greeted with the best coastal sceneries, this somehow or rather helps to cheer me up over the worry of where to stay tonight.The ride continues thru somemore towns of Pontecagnano and Battipaglia, very populated with no sign of any space for wild camping still. Feeling exhausted and desperate but never gave up attitude, the road turn into SS19 ( good omens as this is my home in Subang Jaya Malaysia). I noticed a wired fencing which has an opening gap that leads to an empty land about 10 meter above the road, overlooking is the Highway A3 and the railway line, further is the stand alone mountain,somewhat like a Malaysian mountain in Melawati - Gunung Tabor.

Stunning coastal view |
No space for road shoulder but luckily less traffic |
Met with a group of German cyclists on opposite direction |
Welcome to Positano |
Positano looking from the top |
Positano looking from the side view |
Short tunnel built on the cliff |
Overcrowded on a mini beach |
Lookout point in Amalfi |
Port of Amalfi |
Highway A3 in Eboli, lower front is the small road where i ride |
Really hard-to find camp site |
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