Today Disatnce : 84.4 km Total : 2098.8 km
Today Temp : 22 - 33°c Hot and Sunny
Today Spending : 13 euro Total : 678 euro
Time on Bike : 5 hr 15 min
Today Ave Speed : 16 kmh Max : 43 kmh
Trip Altitude : 372 m Max :28 m
Today Ave Climb : 3 % Max : 13 %
50 km to a big city of Napoli. I was wondering what Napoli has to offer as compared to Pisa,Florence and Rome.I had never heart of anything special regarding this city,soon I will have the answer as i pedalled closer and closer and actually rode passed the city centro without stopping. This is a city full of RUBBISH !! Yes rubbish everywhere so long as your eyes can see, littering and flying on the street, overflowing in the rubbish bins,looks like noboby's business, where are the workers supposed to collect them? Are they on strike or not happy with their salary? I had read about this uncollected and overflow rubbish issue in southern Italy few months back home in Malaysia, and it really surprised me that it drags until today as i seen it with my own eyes. I had the opportunity to know the reasons from one of the locals that this uncollected rubbish has drag for more than a year now as the parties still cannot come to a compromise as how to dispose them, this must be a war between the authorities and the environmentalists.Not only the rubbish issue but also the city is not safe and i was warned to keep a close watch on my beautiful bike, so to stay here is definitely out of the question but to get out of here and find a place to camp, the ride continued until late 7pm where i found this abandoned trucks field to call it a day.
Resting on a downhill to Napoli |
Coastal view near Napoli |
Lonely women...... |
Getting closer to Napoli |
The fun at the seaside on a hot day |
Sleeping beauty |
Beautiful lake on the way to Napoli |
Napoli Port |
Napoli centro |
Large field at the camp site with a volcano view |
Abandoned trucks provided cover for camping |
Don't play play with this plant- with thorns and caused itchiness when touch |
Meng, your friend kayowe has emailed to me with this message: "I've been following Meng, but he has not posted for quite a while. Do you have info?" Please reply to him - so why no more blogs, your adventure needs a good ending :)